


article citationPucino, A. (2022). Lessons from the Blurring of the Frontstage and Backstage: Community College Personnel’s Experiences and Use of Contemplative Practices During the Pandemic. Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 9(2): 105-134. Here


book citation: Schoepflin, T., Strong, M., Nix-McCray, N., Pucino, A. (Eds.). (2019). Sociology in Stories: A Creative Introduction to a Fascinating Perspective: A Customized Version for The Community College of Baltimore County. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Access here.


book chapters


chapter title: Iraqi Refugee background Adolescents’ Experiences in Schools: Using the Ecological Theory of Development to Understand Discrimination

citation: Pucino, A. (2018). Iraqi Refugee-background Adolescents’ Experiences in Schools: Using the Ecological Theory of Development to Understand Discrimination. In Shapiro, S., Farrelly, R., & Curry, M. (Eds.) Educating Refugee-background Students: Critical Issues andDynamic Contexts. Channel View Publications.
book: Educating Refugee-background Students
Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts
Edited by: Shawna Shapiro, Raichle Farrelly, Mary Jane Curry
public writing on the book:
How refugee children make American education stronger.
What can we learn from listening to the voices of refugees?

chapter title: Service Learning and the Acquisition of Social Capital in the Community College Setting

citation: Pucino, A. & Penniston, T. (2014). Service-learning and the Acquisition of Social Capital in the Community College Setting. In Katz, Z. & Traver, A. (Eds.) Service-Learning at the American Community College: Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
bookService-Learning at the American Community College

encyclopedia entries

1) Galindo, C. & Pucino, A. (2012). Latin American Families. SAGE Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education.
2) Galindo, C. & Pucino, A. (2012). Involving Multicultural Families. SAGE Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education.
text: Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education